We are a collection of Minneapolis folks cooking, preserving, and harvesting local, seasonal foods. This blog-share is meant to inspire greater culinary genius, as well as continued local food invention. What are YOU concocting in that kitchen of yours?


Salmon and Sweet Potato Hash

This is a pretty simple recipe my friends made for me recently, and I fell in love with it. So had to make it myself.
They served a Paella type rice thing with it that involved lemon zest, fresh parsley, red pepper flakes which was very complimentary...  But I bet some of the Cauliflower rice would be good too.
Anyway, here goes:

Salmon and Sweet Potato Hash 
Get a big chunk of salmon. 
Cover it with some sugar, salt, pepper, and lemon slices. 
Wrap this in a tin foil packet, or place in a pan and cover. 
Cook for an hour at 200 degrees.

Get a couple two three sweet potatoes. 
Cut them into dice sized pieces. 
Do the same with red and green pepper and an onion. 
Throw the potatoes in a pan with olive oil and a clove or three of garlic. 
Cook for about 10 minutes. 
Add the peppers and onion. Cook for another 5. 
When salmon is done, shred the it and add that as well. 
And a generous amount of turmeric. Salt and pepper to taste. 

Paella Rice
Heat up olive or other type oil. Add 3 cloves of garlic (crushed), a healthy dose of red pepper flakes, and 2 cups of your favorite rice. Stir the rice around until coated with the oil. Add a bay leaf, ½ bunch of chopped Italian parsley, the zest of two lemons, and a quart of chicken stock. Bring to a boil (don't stir much), and then reduce to medium low and cook for 20 minutes, covered. Continue to not stir. When the stock is mostly gone, stir it and serve.

1 comment:

  1. Katie you have a double post! This sounds really good. And I think a cauliflower rice version would be really good with similar flavoring...
