We are a collection of Minneapolis folks cooking, preserving, and harvesting local, seasonal foods. This blog-share is meant to inspire greater culinary genius, as well as continued local food invention. What are YOU concocting in that kitchen of yours?


Super fast couscous bowl

Like Megan, I've been eating a lot of heavy stuff lately (cheesy dough in particular!), so this dish--inspired by a blog post I read about sun-dried tomatoes--is a welcome change. I've been using couscous from a box (Near East's Roasted Garlic & Olive Oil) but it's also really easy to make couscous from scratch.

Because this is something I just throw together, there are no precise measurements:

1) Prepare couscous.
2) In a frying pan, saute garlic and red pepper flakes (to taste) in approx. 2 tablespoons olive oil (I use the olive oil from the sun-dried tomato jar). Add a handful of almonds, stirring frequently so they don't burn. Add chopped sun-dried tomatoes (as many as you'd like) and then a fistful of arugula, cooking until it wilts. Squeeze some lemon juice on everything. Add salt and pepper to taste.
3) Put couscous in a bowl, top with arugula mixture, and add feta or goat cheese. Super easy!

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