We are a collection of Minneapolis folks cooking, preserving, and harvesting local, seasonal foods. This blog-share is meant to inspire greater culinary genius, as well as continued local food invention. What are YOU concocting in that kitchen of yours?


Paleo meatballs

I totally stole her photo because I am still without camera.

I made meatballs for the first time this week. It was an exciting event - inspired somewhat by a dinner months ago at Crystal and Venessa's. Venessa had made these stunning meatballs that were totally scrumptious. I perused recipes for awhile, and settled on one that I give a definitive five stars. The spicing is like no other pasta I have had - kind of sweet, but not, and full of cumin?!  It also was a terrifically low stress way to do meatballs because you brown them a little and then finish them off in the sauce. So they look good all surrounded by the tomato sauce, even if you maybe made some lop-sided ones that crumbled a little and are not so spherical.

The original recipe, called "Not your typical grandma's paleo meatballs" from a blog called "Caveman Strong" recommends that you serve the meatballs and sauce on steamed kale or spinach. I followed the recipe pretty closely, except I had no cilantro and minimal parsley, and I had chopped tomatoes rather than "crushed" ones. Also, the sauce will look pretty liquid-like when you add the meatballs, but don't worry because it will cook down and thicken up over the 15 minutes that the meatballs cook. I ate mine over grated raw zucchini, but I'll totally try it on some greens too. Really - these spices are SO good together!

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