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Crispy Sardines

I've been reading fiendishly this week (N.K. Jemisin's Dreamblood duology and The Circle by Dave Eggers) - including staying up too late and then reading during meals. Dystopias - - they really suck me in! I also have been contemplating going to WisCon, the feminist sci-fi conference, this spring. So that inspired lots of internet searching and findings of new authors and books to read. A wee bit dorky, but a nice way to spend part of my Friday morning.

I've got heaps of library books right now, half of which cannot be renewed because they have waiting lists, so it is taking some effort to get through them before they are due back. One of them is Well Fed 2 - the latest cookbook from one of my fave paleo bloggers. Thus far I give it a 4 star rating - really good recipes that I would make anytime, some of which include things I already have at home. I appreciate that it isn't a "treat" sort of cookbook, and instead stays pretty true to Whole30 style eating, without added sweeteners and stuff. The recipe I have made twice already is her "Pan Fried Sardines." She uses arrowroot powder - which I had never tried - and it creates a really awesome, delicate frying substance. I've pretty much always just used coconut flour, which is heavier, with a stronger coconut taste, and (too) absorbent. I'm giving the arrowroot powder 2 thumbs up - I want to try it with liver too (she has a recipe for liver fried in coconut flour and arrowroot that looks great).

Her recipe has you marinate sardines in lemon, garlic and parsley, but I always have some of the Wild Planet lemon sardines around, so skipped that step to make the recipe even easier/faster.

Crispy Sardines (modified from Well Fed 2)
serves 1
1 tin sardines packed in olive oil with lemon
1 (heaping) T arrowroot powder
1/4 tsp cumin
pinch cayenne
pinch paprika
couple pinches salt and pepper
2 T coconut oil/lard for frying
parsley (opt)

1. Mix arrowroot, spices, and salt and pepper in a bowl. Carefully roll the sardines in the flour-y mixture - the sardines are fragile, and I try to let any excess olive oil drip off before flouring.
2. Heat fat/coconut oil in a cast iron pan. When it is hot, fry the sardines a couple of minutes on each side, until crisp and browned. 
3. Remove from pan and eat as is, or on a simple salad of shredded lettuce/carrots/cabbage with the olive oil/lemon marinade from the sardines and a splash of vinegar. Sprinkle minced parsley on top. The sardines are also great with some homemade mayo.

1 comment:

  1. I am making this right now- thanks for another terrific recipe!
