We are a collection of Minneapolis folks cooking, preserving, and harvesting local, seasonal foods. This blog-share is meant to inspire greater culinary genius, as well as continued local food invention. What are YOU concocting in that kitchen of yours?


Spring Salad with Asparagus

I am feeling so appreciative of eating fresh food from the garden after such a long winter!! This week I got to have freshly picked asparagus that was about the fattest I have ever seen. It was a little sweeter than the skinny stuff at the store, and totally delicious.

I have not yet made the commitment to grow asparagus (it takes three years for the crown to get established -which sometimes sounds like a long time for precious garden space)!

My Charming Companion has abundant garden space though, with a long standing asparagus patch. And a rule that only asparagus thicker than one's little finger can be cut and eaten (so as not to deplete the plant for next year's crop). Hence the fatty asparagus.

My very tasty dinner salad consisted of, from the garden: steamed asparagus, chives, horseradish leaves, sorrel (lemon-y, sour taste), green onion; and from the store: lettuce, tomato, almonds, and radish. It was all topped off with drizzled olive oil and some lemon dressing (lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, dijon, salt, and pepper).

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