We are a collection of Minneapolis folks cooking, preserving, and harvesting local, seasonal foods. This blog-share is meant to inspire greater culinary genius, as well as continued local food invention. What are YOU concocting in that kitchen of yours?


Curry Sardine (or tuna) Salad

It was 60 degrees out today! When I was out on my walk I laid on the golf course and felt like I was getting a hug from the new green grasses that are coming up in that weird-golf-course-grass kind of way. Oh sweet spring! The nice weather inspired me to make a "warm weather dinner," aka: cold dinner.

I made this up and it was delicious. It is a convenient meal with stuff you might have around. Don't sweat it if you don't have red pepper or parsley; it will still be good. I don't buy tuna anymore because I feel better about eating smaller fish. Tuna are over-fished, and smaller fish have less mercury and other heavy metals in them. I most often buy sardines that have skins and bones in them (that is all good for you!), but I had a few tins without, which I used this time for a smoother/less crunchy salad. You can pick your preference.

Curry Sardine Salad
1 tin sardines in olive oil
1/4 c (homemade) mayo (or a little more)
squirt of dijon mustard
2 T minced red onion
1 celery rib, diced small
2-3 T red pepper, diced small
2 T chopped fresh parsley
1+ tsp curry powder (to taste)
salt and pepper to taste
handful of almonds, chopped
*raisins or currents would also be good in here if you like that kind of thing
**I also put in some sauerkraut and a squeeze of lemon

Mix all ingredients together. Serve with salad greens, toast, crackers, etc. Yum.
(To get fancy, which I did, toast your almonds prior to chopping over med heat in a heavy skillet.)

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