We are a collection of Minneapolis folks cooking, preserving, and harvesting local, seasonal foods. This blog-share is meant to inspire greater culinary genius, as well as continued local food invention. What are YOU concocting in that kitchen of yours?


Summer Corn Chowder

the photo doesn't do it justice (it's hard to photograph soup well), so you'll have to trust me when i say this is one yummy soup. the trick is finding a summer day that's not too hot for soup making. i make this when the csa box is full of corn, tomatoes, potatoes and basil.

2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp butter
1 lg onion, diced
3 tbsp flour
5 c vegetable broth
2-4 russet potatoes (or other kind)
4 c corn kernels (however many ears you have)
1 bell pepper, diced (any color)
1 c half and half
2 plum tomatoes (or any other kind)
1 small handful basil leaves thinly slivered
salt and pepper to taste

i also add green beans, carrots, broccoli or any other veggies i have on hand that sound good. you may need to adjust broth relative to the amount of veggies.

heat butter and oil. cook onion about 10 min. sprinkle flour over onion, cook, stirring 3-5 minutes. add broth and potatoes. bring to boil. reduce heat to medium and simmer till potatoes are tender. add extra veggies along the way. add corn, bell pepper, salt, pepper, half and half. cook over low for about 8 minutes, stir occasionally. serve in bowls, topping with tomato and basil.


  1. This soup is totally delicious! Thanks for posting the recipe.

  2. i just made a really similar soup (summer harvest chowder from the rebar cookbook) the other night and it was delicious! they said to add fresh corn cobs to the stock and let it simmer before adding all the veggies and the stock was really flavorful. and it has jalapenos and cilantro. such a good summer soup, if you can stand to turn the stove on.
