We are a collection of Minneapolis folks cooking, preserving, and harvesting local, seasonal foods. This blog-share is meant to inspire greater culinary genius, as well as continued local food invention. What are YOU concocting in that kitchen of yours?


Lemon Tartlets (paleo)

I was feeling motivated to try making some kind of dessert that fits within my current paleo preferred eating habits. My mom had already aced a paleo chocolate pudding (primary ingredients: avocado, cocoa powder, almond butter, and some honey - it was super tasty - thank you mom!), so it seemed time to try out something with lemon. I love lemon curd. Love love love.

This recipe was originally lemon bars, but calling them lemon bars conjures up a different idea. These aren't cakey or powdered sugar-y, these are rich and tart like. With several egg yolks. I ended up making mine in little muffin cups, which thus created tartlets. I followed this online recipe, which was adapted from a cookbook (that I now have on order from the library), but I halved the recipe because I only wanted a few and because macadamia nuts are expensive and because I couldn't figure out what I would do with 8 egg whites.

So. Follow the linked recipe, which is for a 9x13" pan (even though she says 9x9 in one spot). You can make it in a pan, or you can make some in a muffin tin - which made 8 for me when I halved the recipe. I made the crusts in a tin, and then transferred them to muffin cups in order to add the lemon topping to bake them again. (*Note you do not actually need to do this 2nd baking for tartlets. Instead, you can just spoon some cooled curd over a cooled crust bottom. And maybe put on some whipped cream and strawberries too!)

Another note: The crust pieces were puffier than I thought they would be - but once they cooled, they fell a little and were pretty firm (not cakey). They almost had a coconut-y texture, in a really good way. And really, you can't go wrong with macadamia nuts. omg. Also, go easy on the lemon curd for each tartlet. I was a little short for my 8th tart...

1 comment:

  1. Byrd and i are going to make these for a Mother's Day bbq!
