We are a collection of Minneapolis folks cooking, preserving, and harvesting local, seasonal foods. This blog-share is meant to inspire greater culinary genius, as well as continued local food invention. What are YOU concocting in that kitchen of yours?


Fettuccine with cabbage and sausage

We've been swimming in cabbage this year from our CSA. A few heads are still fermenting in Megan's crock, but one can only bogart a friend's fermentation vessel for so long ...
I found this recipe in a magazine whose name I cannot reveal for fear of public humiliation. Thankfully, the meal was pretty good.

1/2 lb sausage
6 c cabbage
3 shallots
olive oil
1/2 lb fettuccine
3/4 c chicken broth

Brown sausage and set aside. Add some olive oil to the sausage pan and fry up the shallots and cabbage (6 min). Add chicken broth and simmer (3-4 min). Combine with sausage and noodles.


  1. Doesn't start with an M and end in wart does it?? i love this entry (not only because my name is mentioned)! And it is all very eastern europe - my czech and german ancestry would approve of this recipe.

  2. Hells no! I'm a proud Martha fan. The dreaded magazine is Real Simple. I thought it was about food when my mom asked if I wanted it. Instead it's about buying make-up and making ugly crafty things out of tennis balls. fml.

  3. I love that you used the word "bogart"--this is going to be a new fave of mine!

    And hilarious re: Real Simple. I'll confess that I subscribe to Body and Soul. Eeeks!
