We are a collection of Minneapolis folks cooking, preserving, and harvesting local, seasonal foods. This blog-share is meant to inspire greater culinary genius, as well as continued local food invention. What are YOU concocting in that kitchen of yours?


Delicata squash with tahini dressing

Well, it seems that I like those single ingredient veggie sides lately...in the form of veggie tossed in oil and then roasted in the oven and sprinkled with salt. Yep - simple and tasty. And good as leftovers for lunch the next day.

In browsing Heidi Swanson's blog, I came across a really delicious looking delicata squash recipe - but it was complicated and required miso and harissa, neither of which I had, so instead I just stole her idea and simplified it. Did you know you can eat the skin of delicata squash? I didn't. But you can! And I think it looks so pretty to have these half moons of squash getting all roasted and brown in the oven. And geez, why peel a squash if you don't have to? Prep time for these is, like, 3 minutes.

Squash Prep
2 Delicata squash (totally not in season - these are from Mexico, alas)
2 T. coconut oil
smoky salt

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut squash in half lengthwise, scoop out the seeds, and slice em up. Toss the slices in the melted coconut oil and spread them in one layer on a cookie sheet. Bake for 30 minutes*, flipping halfway through. Sprinkle with (smoky) salt.
*Note that I made some of these on one of those insulated baking sheets and they got not nearly so brown as the ones in my baking pan that was not insulated. So, go for the thin baking sheet/cake pan sort of idea here.

Tahini Dressing
Mix equal parts tahini, water, and lemon juice. Toss in some salt. You can also add in garlic if you can do the whole raw garlic thing. If it is too thick, add a bit more water. That is it! So good. (This dressing is really tasty on just about anything.)

Than just pour the dressing over the top and eat em up. I also had some as leftovers the next day, and ate them as a snack at work (plain and dipped in the tahini). YUM.

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