We are a collection of Minneapolis folks cooking, preserving, and harvesting local, seasonal foods. This blog-share is meant to inspire greater culinary genius, as well as continued local food invention. What are YOU concocting in that kitchen of yours?


Rainbow Curry Chicken Stew

I've been making some curry soups lately - sometimes I just throw ingredients in a pot, and other times I actually follow a recipe. With a nice chili paste and broth, it seems I can't go too wrong! One thing I am learning, is that less coconut milk is sometimes nice. I used to want it really really creamy - but lately I think a more broth-y soup carries more flavor.

This stew recipe comes from "Affairs of Living" - a blog with lots of gluten-free and "allergy-friendly" recipes. You can link to the original recipe here. The veggies in the recipe include red pepper, frozen peas, chicken, and broccoli - but certainly you can swap in all kinds of things (zucchini, green beans, etc). It makes a nice big pot full, so you can freeze left overs for later.

One thing I have been reading about lately is BPA in canned foods. This is something I just learned about this year and previously just heard about BPAs in plastic. But alas, it turns out they are also in the linings of most canned foods. And, some research suggests that it leeches most highly to acidic, salty, and high fat products. BPA is not used by Native Harvest Coconut milk though (it is in Thai Kitchen products). This blog post has info about other organic canned food items and if they are or are not BPA free (Muir Glen just switched over so all new products have no BPA).

Anyway, there are lots of health effects linked to the consumption of BPA. So there we are. And I guess while I am on the topic of gloom and doom, did you see this 6th grade science project about microwaved water?! Ah! It isn't totally surprising, but it is pretty persuasive about the effects of microwaving our food.

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