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Coconut Milk Ice Cream

Coconut Milk Ice Cream

I have been trying to find a non-dairy ice cream recipe that doesn't turn into a big block of ice when frozen, and I think I have finally done it. This coconut milk ice cream stays relatively creamy due to two key ingredients: eggs and vanilla extract with alcohol.  The key to the eggs is separating them and then whipping the egg whites into stiff peaks before adding them to the mixture.  This process helps the ice cream become more creamy than icey.  The alcohol in the vanilla also helps the ice cream not freeze completely.  Then, stirring the ice cream periodically as it freezes keeps the eggs from separating.  All of these elements help it turn out more like real ice cream.  I am still perfecting his recipe, so if you have any alterations please post.

You do not need an ice cream maker or a vita-mix, but they do come in handy.  The ice cream maker helps the ingredients stay well mixed while freezing and the vita-mix helps make the coconut milk if you decide to go that route.  However, you may want to skip making your own coconut milk and just get a can from the store.  Although, making your own coconut milk is very easy.


Coconut Milk:
2 cups water
1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
3 drops liquid Stevia
1 tsp vanilla

Ice Cream:
Coconut milk from recipe or large can of coconut milk
3 drops liquid Stevia
1 tsp vanilla with alcohol
2 Tbsp coconut oil
2 egg, separated

Soak coconut flakes in water for 1-2 hours.  Blend in vita-mix with Stevia and vanilla for 1-2 minutes.  Strain through a nut milk bag or cheesecloth.  Discard coconut solids.

Blend coconut milk, Stevia, vanilla, and 2 egg yolks in the vita-mix.  Beat the egg whites into stiff peaks and gently stir into mixture.  Put in freezer and stir every 30 minutes until frozen.

I am addicted to ice cream, especially in the summer, and this recipe is a great non-dairy alternative.



  1. Omg - I have really been wanting to find a recipe just like this. I can't wait to try it...maybe tomorrow. I am so curious about making my own coconut milk too - do you do that with all your coconut milk? Is it as creamy?

  2. Making coconut milk is so easy. I haven't used it for anything besides the ice cream, but I will. If you have a vita-mix or other high powered blender it works really well. If you don't have one it might be better to try a method that uses boiling water, which might help break down the coconut a little better. After blending, put it through the nut milk bag and voila!

    I have had the best results with the ice cream when I don't use an ice cream maker and just put it in the freezer and stir it every hour or so. It is still not creamy like a traditional ice cream, but it is really good. The store bought stuff has extra things, like guar gum, that help make it creamy.

    Let me know how it goes. It's my favorite summer treat!
