We are a collection of Minneapolis folks cooking, preserving, and harvesting local, seasonal foods. This blog-share is meant to inspire greater culinary genius, as well as continued local food invention. What are YOU concocting in that kitchen of yours?


Breakfast "taco" salad

Well, the winter kinda just keeps coming. I put my winter boots and ski shoes away last week, only to go get them out again on Monday morning. I am happy for all the precipitation though - the farmers will be resting much easier now than a few months ago when it looked like pure drought. I am starting to wonder when the spring green onions will get to show themselves, and when I'll be able to get some seeds in the ground! It's looking like it will be well into April before the soil is thawing. I did come across this handy guide to dates for planting vegetables from the U of MN extension though, just to get the ideas percolating.

I usually try to get in a big bunch of veggies in the morning - reference past piles of food or carrot porridge - and typically that means I cook a bunch early. The time change means that I am generally eating breakfast with the sunrise, which feels quite lovely. The other morning I was not in the mood to cook, and instead made a big delicious salad with bacon-y eggs and some homemade salsa from last fall. It was sort of like a breakfast burrito, without the burrito. And a little reminiscent of the Modern Times' amazing lime-cabbage slaw, which I LOVE. Because it was largely raw, it had a fresh, spring like quality. Which you know - bring it on. It is the equinox afterall!

Breakfast salad (use however much you are hungry for)
Purple cabbage, sliced thin
Green onion, chopped thin
Parsley or cilantro, chopped
fresh lime juice
olive oil
2-3 eggs

1. Slice the cabbage as thin as you can manage, and toss in a bowl with chopped green onion and parsley or cilantro. Squeeze fresh lime juice over the top, sprinkle salt, and drizzle with olive oil.
2. Chop bacon and saute in a cast iron skillet on medium until crispy, about 5-8 minutes. Pour in 2 whisked eggs, salt and cook until done. Add a good amount of salsa to eggs towards end of cooking, or alternatively, spoon salsa over salad.
3. Serve eggs with salsa over cabbage slaw.
*This would of course be amazing with avocado if you wanted to go really wild!

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